*first published on 12november2010

… when I saw the first few episodes of this drama, I don’t know why but at first glance, SScandal to me is like the period version of the japanese drama production of HanaKimi, with more drama, less comedy and none of the crazy antics of the HK boys of course. I guess its because of the gender bender plot, the school setting and that “thing” that happened in episode 4 when “something” was revealed to the school doctor/professor, now that one is definitely verrry HanaKimi. At second glance, specially in the love story angle, it looks very much like another Kdrama, Coffee Prince. BUT later on, I realized that those similarities ends there. SScandal deals with some very serious issues that involves gender inequality and the so-called “public servants” which I found still relevant to the present day setting on how government officials behave and how the bureaucracy works.
I particulary like the characters of the male lead and the second male lead. Both are idealistic and principled reformist with the same goal, but took different paths to try and reach them. One seems more calm in nature, open to work for change within the system, the other, extremely passionate and took the more revolutionary approach. There’s something about men with strong principles that I find extremely attractive. The relationship between these two started by being wary and suspicious of each other, then progressed into mutual respect.
Haaay, I don’t envy the lead girl here, if I were in her shoes I wouldn’t know who to pick between these two, even if on the get-go i can tell who will end up with whom. Each has his own unique charm …why do I feel like breaking into a song, “torn between two lovers feeling like a fool, loving both of you is breaking all the rules” …hahaha… I don’t think I have ever liked 2 leading men equally in any of the asians dramas that I have seen, ever! no kidding, I reallly dunno who I like best, I love them both ..aaah, what is a girl to do :p OMG, when the bad boy Geol Oh, after discovering the true gender of his other roomate ran out of their room because of the hiccups, at that point, in my book, he certainly was ahead of the noron …too cute. and those times he would come to her defence when there is trouble, always looking out for her, always watchful and protective, acting like her knight in shining armour …man oh man, cheers for our self-appointed vigilante, our bad boy, Moon Jae Shin a.k.a Geol Oh :p but of course, not to be outdone is our reluctant Noron, the very upright Lee Sun Joon. each time he would beat his chest or put his hand over where his heart is because of this strange feelings he is having for his supposedly “male” roomate and the scene where despite thinking that she is a he, he confesses his feelings for her …aaahhh… I can feel his pain …poor guy… it reminds me sooo much of the same struggles of the male lead in the drama Coffee Prince and what he went through in a similar situation … when he displayed his brilliance at that student hearing, or was it a trial and became the hero of that day, going against his own principles and lied all because of love …aaahhh. He even gained the highest respect of his rival(for Kim Yoon Shik’s affection), for each time Geol Oh realizes what a decent man his rival Lee Sun Joon is, you can see the resigned expression on his face that seems to say “I’ll leave her in your care because youre better than me”.
There are two other boys in this drama that is also worth mentioning. First is the resident villain of Sungkyunkwan, the student body president. The actor that portrayed this mean character is I understand the brother of actress Ha Ji Won and he is the spitting image of his sister with the same actings skills to boot. the second is the flambouyant and vain 4th member of the Jalgeum Quartet, Gu Yong Ha a.k.a Yeorim. I found this scheming, gay’ish character quite interesting and the actor that portrayed him was pretty good too. and can his skin be anymore flawless? If there was an award for best skin and best dressed, Yeorim will be the hands down winner ..haha.. :p
If there are 2 other boys worth mentioning, aside from the female lead, there are also 2 girls worth mentioning. First is the daughter of the Minister of War, the pampered if somewhat silly Ha Hyo Eun. The second is the giseang Cho Sun, alluring and mysterious. I sometimes feel sorry for her and her “impossible” love for a woman whom she thought was a sensitive man.
The ensemble cast of this drama provided the excellent support for the leads and their characters are interesting and well defined, not to mention perfectly casted.
Yes, yes, yes, I know I have not discussed the lead girl yet. People , please don’t hate me for saying this but I just cant deny it. The actress that portrayed Kim Yoon Hee a.k.a. Kim Yoon Shik has not endeared herself to me. Is it because I saw this drama right after watching Shin Mi Ah’s portrayal of a gumiho, which I absolutely love and adore? Hmmm, probably not because those are 2 entirely different characters that they portrayed. Could her physical inadequacies like her height(the 2 male leads are towering over her and she is suppose to be a guy!) and her glaring plastic surgery(there I go again) contributed in her lack of credibility in my eyes? Maybe, I kept wishing her character was more charismatic and feisty so it could justify the attraction of the 2 male leads. Don’t get me wrong though, I don’t hate her nor am I repulsed by her, its just that a better more worthy actress should have been casted for that role AND could have given it “something” to make it more exciting. Imagine being the object of desire and affection of those 2 outstanding young men. She just doesn’t shine beside those 2 guys, she was completely overshadowed by the 2 which is a shame. I found her and her portrayal of that role lackluster, uninspired …ok I will try not to be too mean so I would say at most it was a mediocre characterization and performance. Although, she kinda redeemed herself in that scene in ep18 where she and her brother were talking about their father, with those tears I felt the agony, longingness and love from her.
If I am to give an acting award in every review that I write(I should have done this before), for Sungkyunkwan Scandal I’ll give the first runner-up to Song Joong Ki who plays Yeorim. What can I say, he made me think as to the meat of his character. Is he gay, is he straight, is he a foe or a friend, but I like his playful take on this character. the best actor(in this case it’s a man) goes to Yoo Ah In, who plays the rough-around-the-edges but principled man, Geol Oh. I understand that he studied film and is just an honest-to-goodness actor and no “idol” boy band background and it shows in his acting. his character may sometimes remind me of HongGilDong but his acting is not as good as Kang Ji Hwan’s brilliant portrayal in that drama but still, here in Sscandal I rarely saw flat expressions on any of his scenes, just pure sensitive acting that you can feel from within and that is inspite his oftentimes untidy, unkempt and disheveled appearance.
There are just some things that im not too happy with(so what else is new you may ask :D). that scene in ep18 where Lee Sun Joon was suppose to be beaten-up really badly in that gambling den and in his next scene he seems to have not suffered at all, in fact he can still sit and walk comfortably. I know this is just a drama and he is really not hurt in real life BUT I wish the director would credit us with a modicum amount of brain and make it appear that he was a “bit” hurt in that scene. Letting the viewers see a couple of small/tiny bruises doesn’t constitute a beating, which is what he was subjected to. AND, how many times can Geol Oh escape when a dozen or so guards are just a few meters chasing him … haay… sometimes, these directors really get on my nerves for ignoring their viewer’s intelligence.
Finally, the ending. I think im more than satisfied with the ending. All the loose ends were tied, i meant all but one(whatever happened to the student body president and the object of his desire Cho Sun), no over melodramatic turn of events, no blood was shed and everybody was happy. On top of that …a glimpse of the future to see whatever happened to the leads. What more can I ask for?
BTW, sorry, i just realized that this review is way too long, again ;)