Finally got to watch this drama after planning to do so several times in the past year. Two reasons why i always set it aside is, 1st , and the more important reason I think is, i wasnt too excited about the leads(I have never seen any of their previous works and their charisma hasn’t reached me yet) and 2nd, the story is not interesting enough for me. An action-rom-com between an NIA(Korean equivalent of CIA or FBI) agent and a local police officer. HE is a stickler for procedures and rules while SHE, is always saddled with money troubles. HER money problems are brought about by what else but, a pain-in-the-neck family member, in this case, an irresponsible and immature mom. A series of unfortunate encounters/coincidence brought them together and one day, they found themselves working with each other. How that will develop into romance specially when they are always at odds is what I want to see…

Aaahhh …uuuhhhmmm …why oh why is it so hard to write about this drama? Admittedly, its not the best drama I’ve seen but it is also far from being the worst that have ever finished. Believe me, I may sound preeetty mean at times BUT it takes a lot before I would give up on a particular drama. Im quite stubborn and would insist on finishing it not unless the feeling of wanting to pull my hair out of frustration OR I would start to feel like smashing something within my reach out of anger, comes too often. When that happens, its safer for everybody if I just call it quits…haha… anyway, the lead girl, Lee Soo Kyung as Oh Ha Na tried to be funny all too often and she did succeed at times but to me, sometimes it’s a bit trying hard and she lacks the charisma to pull off a more satisfyingly adorable character. Again that’s just me. The male lead, Kim Sang Kyung as Go Jin Hyuk is a stiff character. His interactions with the female lead has its moments and they were good sweet moments too.

If there’s anything lacking in this drama, maybe it’s the absence of charismatic lead actors. The kind that makes viewing an exciting exercise. I don’t have to be a big fan of any of the leads to begin with, if the drama is well made, I will be their fan after I’ve seen it …wellll, hopefully. The drama PASTA comes to mind, I know the leads and I was not their fan BUT they 100% won me over with an excellent production :) What saved this drama from oblivion is the second male lead, Ryu Jin as Han Do Hoon, the suspected druglord himself and his penchant for jumping to the wrong conclusion. In this drama HE WAS THE COMIC RELIEF. Im not saying he’s great, im just saying he provided “some” laughs and dry humor. Wasn’t I just laughing my a** off when he very excitedly surprised our female lead with a gift that he thought she would like …a box of …I’ll let you discover it yourself. Let me put it this way, to a certain extent, he can be funny in his eccentricities, absurdities, weirdness, tactlessness and his self worship. Actually, some of you may even roll on the floor laughing at his character, and I wouldn’t be surprised, its just that I AM as eccentric and as weird too so my tastes may differ from your average normal people:)

Let me also commend the ensemble cast, a special mention to the senior cast. they are a bunch of colorful characters. Well done:)

I would still recommend it for viewing to anybody who’s just looking for some light action and a few laughs. Don’t always take my word for it you know, who knows, you may find not a “few” but a lot of laughs here. Your sense of humor maybe different from mine. iam after all a self confessed first class cynic anyway so don’t mind me and go ahead and enjoy watching this one. I’ll give this one a 3 out of 5 rating.